Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Today I would say is... alright. It was ACT testing today. Ya I so bombed the science portion! I didn't even read the passages for the science part just read the question and skimmed over the graph! That is probably the one subject I should have studied the most. Though I am really happy because math had a ton of questions and i only guessed on 1/4 of them and they were very educated guesses the rest I was su\redfi did good on them. Ya Jade is wierd staring at me and the computer she thinks so sooo smart she is the one who snorts!!! LAUGH SNORTER!!! Other than testing today has been really mellow had a good big lunch...expect Tori got really weak and had to go home:/ (now jade is pokeing my side really hard my pudge is moving!!!) ew! Right now I am listing to my ipod it is playing Head Strong! Very good song! Got done with my English homework early so I'm excited that I don't half to do it later. Hum just reliezed that Xavier is not here. odd... Wait is he getting his brace off today...who knows! Oh Well!
Anywho I am so excited for ring ceremony mom and Jon is walking me and I get to go out to eat afterward! Then me and all three of my grandmothers are going to go to the Cemetary so that I can see my granpa and papa. I wanted to put new flowers on their graves. So that makes me happy that I can go and do that for them!.... Then spring break!!! woot woot!
... Ha I had to get on to my BEST FRIEND Jhordan because he pronounced my last name wrong yesterday he pronounced it like (paradie) ya that is not right I'm like wow!!! I guess he never heard me say it before... Oh well! But he was saying something about the song "Paradise city where the green grass grows and the girls are pretty, ect...!"
Blah! 831J!

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